Seeking the Kingdom in Balance – Weekend Study

2017 Weekend Study

Church of Christ on Smart Road

Saturday, October 21 – 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
(7:30 – bring breakfast finger food to share)
Sunday, October 22 – 9:30 & 1:30


Joshua Riggins
Seeking the Kingdom in Balance


Allocation speaks to our heart…
using the design God has in mind for –

Our Time

⯁ Work / Family Balance…Is my career in the way?
⯁ Having a family with a perspective towards eternity. Value in family fun and participation in congregational gatherings.
⯁ Technology and its place in our lives. Its appropriate use. What it can bring. Where it can hinder us and tear down our relationships.

Our Money

⯁ Making the most of our blessings from God. Giving Stewardship
⯁ Financial Management with a perspective towards eternity
⯁ How much is enough? Affluenza, Covetousness, Contentedness

Sunday Morning

Walking in the Spirit in the Middle of a “Rat Race”

Sunday Afternoon

The Renewed Mind – Not My Will


Randy Teghtmeyer – – 816.697.2000
Gerald Clevenger – – 816.896.6003

Download the flyer here.